Conquer Life by Responding Instead of Reacting

When something unexpected happens, what’s that first thing you do? Typically, we react impulsively without thinking. However, responding to situations, instead of reacting, is something worth training ourselves to do. Here’s why.. My most recent reactive experience was a couple weeks ago. I was driving through a parking lot and jamming to music, when this car ran their stop sign, almost hitting me. I promptly slammed on my brakes and everything in my back seat flew forward, hitting the floor. Immediate annoyance ensued. My gut reaction was to yell, “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING” and a lot of other…

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Learning to Let Go and Love Yourself, Unapologetically

Letting go and loving yourself alway sounds like a walk in a park, easy peasy. But what do your actions actually reflect?…

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Eye-Opening Lessons from Struggles in Life: Twenties Edition

In the quilt of life, moments of joy and triumph are woven, but it is the struggles in life that often define the threads that shape our journey. If you could go back 5, 10 years or so, what life lessons would you share with your younger self? I used to hate this question because I feels like a waste of time especially since time-travel is not even possible (yet?). However, when struggles in life keep circling back like a merry-go-round, you start to rethink some things.  What Would You Tell Your Younger Self? At first glance, this is one…

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7 things to Know When Making Plans after Graduation

It’s finally that time. Classes are ending, your degree is a few steps away and you are deciding plans after graduation for your post college life. Anyone who attends college spends 3-5+ years anticipating their graduation.  I’ll never forget how good it felt to see my “days until graduation” countdown creep closer to zero. I spent months perfecting my plans after graduation. However, Post Graduate Depression was not a part of those plans.   Yes, Post Graduate Depression. A strange concept, right? I never imagined having depressive feelings this shortly after graduation. It surprised me that after working so hard to…

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Tell All: Why I Started a Blog

Here it is; I am FINALLY doing it!   This is my first post. Woo-hoo! The purpose of this post to explain why I started blogging and set expectations of what you’ll see from me in the future.   Let’s Begin.   It all started when I was born…. ….just kidding, it really started when I graduated from veterinary school. Adjusting to being a non-student adult, a.k.a. real-world adulting, was wayyyy harder than I thought. There were so many challenges I hadn’t faced or even considered because I was a student. These challenges, I like to call the “unknowns.” They made me feel…

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